With everything going virtual, online therapy can be an efficient, convenient, and accessible way to find healing through counseling. Studies have shown that online therapy is as effective as in-person therapy. In some cases, the client may fare better in virtual counseling compared to in-person counseling.

In-person therapy isn’t for everyone. Sometimes there isn’t an office nearby, and many find it intimidating to sit one-on-one, face–to-face with a counselor. For these reasons, online therapy exists to provide people with the help they need, from the comfort of their own homes. 

What is Online Therapy?

Online therapy is exactly like regular therapy except it’s done via an online video chat. Most people do it from the privacy of their homes, but many do it wherever they feel comfortable. The concept of online therapy sounds new, but it has been around for a very long time. Online therapy was established almost two decades ago in 1995

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a massive surge in Zoom calls, remote jobs, and general online solutions. For these reasons some people want to go out as little as possible, therefore increasing the popularity of online therapy. 

How Effective is Online Therapy?

Online therapy has been proven to be just as or more effective than in-person therapy. One study found that virtual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) was more effective than in-person therapy for treating depression. 

Another literature review found that online CBT can treat not only depression, but anxiety, addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and more.

CBT isn’t the only type of therapy that can be done online. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is one of the most effective trauma treatments. Because it involves external stimulation, many don’t believe that it can be done virtually. However, virtual EMDR is just as effective as in-person

Evidence continues to mount that proves how much online therapy can help treat a wide range of mental health concerns. That’s why Inner Balance Counseling is so committed to providing it to our clients. We offer most of our counseling services virtually, with the same compassion and experience as in-person therapy sessions. Reach out today to set up a consultation. 

Choosing Online Therapy vs. In-person Therapy

Online therapy is the same process as in-person therapy. The reason that someone may choose online therapy may be because of their:

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of transportation
  • Accessibility difficulties
  • Finances
  • Anxiety 

From finding your own ideal space to talk to your therapist to finding the most effective way to communicate, each client should learn what works best for them when figuring out their therapy route. 

Is Online Therapy for Everyone?

While it is objectively effective, online therapy is not for everyone. Many people struggle to pay attention for long periods, so an hour-long counseling session on the computer might be challenging. 

A lot of people find it easier to communicate in person, as well. Some also find it harder to get to know their therapist or feel a disconnect because of the distance between them.. 

Ultimately it is up to each person to decide whether or not to attend therapy online or in-person. Different people have different preferences, and some people cannot look at a screen for a long time without getting eye strain or becoming distracted. 

How to Maximize Your Online Therapy Sessions

When doing therapy from home, a cafe, or a car, make sure you are in the best setting for being vulnerable and staying focused.. 

Create an Ideal, Quiet Environment

Create a calm and quiet environment to be as focused as possible during the session. Avoid as many distractions as possible to clear your mind and be mindful and relaxed. For many, this can be done with a clean and peaceful space. 

Having a quiet place not only helps you hear your therapist better and removes distractions, but it also improves your mindfulness for the session.

Have a Good Wi-Fi Connection

Having a good and strong connection to the internet is a make-it-or-break-it for a good online therapy session. Buffering and audio cutting out can take you out of the right headspace or emotional openness that’s vital for counseling. On top of that, it can become frustrating or anxiety-inducing. Ensuring that you and your therapist can have an uninterrupted conversation is valuable and necessary. 

Get to Know Your Therapist

You can still grow a close relationship with your counselor during online therapy. COunseling is most effective when you and your counselor create a mutual connection. And like in-person therapy, you might have to “shop around” until you find a counselor that you vibe with. 

Think of it like talking to a friend on the phone—just because you aren’t physically together doesn’t mean you can’t foster a connection and be vulnerable.

Online Therapy at Inner Balance

No matter why you’re seeking therapy, there’s a place for you to get help at Inner Balance Counseling. We have options for online and in-person counseling for a wide range of mental and behavioral health concerns.

Reach out today to start a conversation

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Katy Kandaris-Weiner, LPC

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Mesa, AZ 85206

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