Group Counseling

Sometimes, it really does take a village. Group therapy allows people to work through their issues with not only an experienced counselor, but peer support from others in similar situations.

What is Group Counseling?

Group counseling involves multiple people going through similar experiences to help each other work through their problems. It generally involves a licensed counselor to guide the group along as they discuss their experiences. 

We understand that therapy can be intimidating. The benefits of counseling are endless, but being vulnerable in a one-on-one situation is challenging for most people. Group therapy is meant to help you break down those barriers. When you see others open up, you often feel more comfortable about doing so yourselves.

Group counseling encourages you to share your feelings, which in turn helps you process them. And being in a small group of your peers fosters an environment of safety, inclusion, and encouragement. If you aren’t ready for traditional counseling, or you feel you need support from others who understand you, group counseling may be for you.

What Happens During Group Counseling?

At Inner Balance, we offer two types of group counseling that meet once a week: skills and processing. Both of these groups are small, which allows for an environment full of trust, safety, and confidence.

Skills groups teach the group coping mechanisms or techniques to help them through their particular situation. In the group, clients can practice these skills together, and talk about how they used these skills the next time they come together. 

Processing groups are a bit more intensive, and involve similar practices to traditional psychotherapy. Here, clients talk about their troubling emotions and experiences, while the rest of the group offers their feedback, encouragement and perspectives. Processing groups tend to be more focused and longer-term than skills groups.

Both types of group therapy will have a specific issue that those involved are there to address. At Inner Balance, we offer a few different focuses, including coping counseling and transitioning groups for those seeking gender affirming care.

Why is Group Counseling Effective?

The key component of group counseling is trust. When people feel cared for, listened to, and respected, they’re more likely to discuss difficult thoughts and feelings. Therapy, whether individual or in a group, is only effective when you have conversations about these difficult experiences. Hearing the stories of others who understand your situation will make you more comfortable about discussing yours.

Group counseling also brings satisfaction from helping others. When you see others who you are bonded to succeed, you can feel inspired to continue your own healing journey. Group therapy fosters pride in your own accomplishments, and in those of your group-mates.

Who Should Look Into Group Counseling?

Group therapy is ideal for someone who  isn’t quite ready for individual therapy, but knows where some of their issues may lie. It’s a way to tune into yourself without the pressure of a one-on-one session with a therapist. 

Many also attend group counseling as a supplement to their regular therapy sessions. Even if you receive counseling through another provider, you’re welcome at Inner Balance for group therapy. 

Group Counseling at Inner Balance

At Inner Balance Counseling, we strive to provide quality clinical mental health therapy and a safe space for you to explore your challenges and concerns. We are different from other places because we care about you. You are not just a number on a page but a person who deserves to be heard and treated with respect.

We like to think of group counseling as a “step through the door.” You’ll receive empathetic and caring counseling at the same time that you receive support from your peers. We want to help you get set on a path to success. Group counseling is just one way that you can get there. 

Fill out the form below to set up a free consultation. We’ll talk to you about your mental health goals, and the type of therapy that can work for you. Reach out. Show up. Feel better.

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Inner Balance Counseling

1234 S Power Rd Suite 252
Mesa, AZ 85206

1414 W Broadway Rd Suite 122
Tempe, AZ 85282

Front office: Monday - Friday 9am-3pm
By appointment only.

© 2024 Inner Balance. All right reserved.

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