A traumatic event can happen in an instant, whether it is an instance of abuse, physical or sexual assault, or a severe accident. Trauma is also something that can be prolonged, whether it is repeated exposure to conflict, war, continued abuse, or the impact of a serious health condition.
Yet, the terrifying truth about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is that it can develop regardless of time frames. PTSD does not play favorites, and it does not only choose to impact those who have been repeatedly exposed to trauma. Whether or not a traumatic experience is acute, chronic, or complex, PTSD lingers around well after the event(s) have transpired.
One reason PTSD lingers is that it causes changes in the brain.
Trauma is difficult for the brain to process. Because of this traumatic memories aren’t properly stored. Think of the brain as a filing cabinet. Most memories can be properly stored in a drawer and that drawer closed. Traumatic memories haven’t been put away. Maybe they’re strewn on top of the cabinet or sticking out of random areas. That’s why those with PTSD experience flashbacks, those memories haven’t been processed. But it’s more than that.
According to neuroimaging research and studies, the brain of someone with PTSD looks different both structurally and functionally. Certain regions of the brain deal with emotional processing and stress response: the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex.
The changes in these regions of the brain impact how someone with PTSD responds to stress. Here is a closer look at the effect of trauma on each area:
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In people with post-traumatic stress disorder, the hippocampus appears smaller in size. This region of the brain is responsible for memory functions and emotions, and it’s where images show the most significant impact of trauma. The hippocampus helps people form new memories and distinguish those present memories from past ones.
While some people with PTSD may struggle to recall certain parts of their traumatic event, some individuals experience vivid memories. In either case, people with PTSD don’t always process things like flashbacks and nightmares, causing anxiety due to this malfunctioning hippocampus. Also, when an individual is presented with an environmental situation that in any way resembles something from their traumatic past, their neural mechanisms trigger an extreme stress response, and this constant stress may further damage the hippocampus.
PTSD causes increased activity in the amygdala, the brain's region tied to fear responses. When someone responds to stimuli that are in some way connected to their traumatic experience, this hyperactivity in the amygdala leads to high-stress levels, panic, and anxiety.
An overactive amygdala will lead to greater and more consistent feelings of stress. Small inconveniences will feel greater and stressful events are unbearable. The changes that trauma causes to the amygdala create distressing levels of anxiety and fear.
The ventromedial prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for regulating emotional responses, such as negative emotions and fear, triggered by the amygdala. Like the hippocampus, people with PTSD show a reduction in volume in this region as well. However, instead of a hyperactive response, this area exhibits hypoactivity.
The ventromedial prefrontal cortex's impaired functional ability leads to people with PTSD experiencing fear, anxiety, and stress, even when they are not faced with the stimuli that they might connect with their past experiences.
It’s scary to hear that trauma changes the brain. However, it’s not a permanent change. With proper treatment and time, the brain can heal itself after emotional trauma. These are the treatment options that help the brain heal after trauma.
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Trauma therapy is a broad term that encompasses kinds of therapy that are trauma-focused. Almost every form of therapy can be trauma-focused, but these are designed specifically for trauma patients.
This kind of therapy addresses PTSD head-on. This involves recalling memories and working through them with a therapist. Recalling traumatic memories can be an emotionally distressing thing to do. For that, it’s not for everyone. However, those distressing feelings will decrease over time.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most popular version of talk therapy. Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is a trauma-specialized version of this modality. Designed in 1966, CPT challenges beliefs caused by trauma in a 12-session program.
CPT is not as common as other forms of trauma counseling. However, it’s a tried and true method that attacks trauma at its core.
CPT is not the only form of therapy that is spun off of CBT. CBT itself can be adapted to meet the needs of trauma patients. CBT connects thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and helps people make meaningful changes.
While the above therapies are great options for trauma treatments, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is the golden standard for trauma treatment.
Talking through traumatic memories is difficult to impossible. EMDR uses bilateral stimulation not dissimilar to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. This stimulation helps bring patients to a calming place where they can explore traumatic memories safely.
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The brain’s structure and function can change as a result of PTSD, but that just means the brain is capable of changing again. Therapy can help to alter brain activity and repair imbalances within the brain.
If you are struggling with PTSD symptoms, don't wait any longer to reach out and ask for help. Call us today and start seeing changes in your day-to-day life. While trauma changes those it touches, through therapy and other help it can heal and a hopeful future can begin.
Healing from trauma is a long journey, but it’s one you can start at any time. Whether you’re battling the long-term effects of complex trauma, or recently experienced trauma, Inner Balance Counseling can help bring balance.
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